Betula pendula, Siver Birch

Silver Birch is fast growing deciduous tree. It does not grow very well in shade, but it can be very invasive in suitable conditions. It is often planted as ornamental tree in gardens and parks.
I found this young one in Oxford University park in Oxford. It is surrounded by lots of other species but still receives lots of sunlight. The soil  underneath is brown in colour, moist and well-drained.

Young trees have narrow, tapering crown while older's crown is often weeping, especially if they are growing in uncrowded situation.

Timber from Silver Birch is very popular firewood.
Silver Birch woodlands are rich in fungi.

 Old trees bark is deeply fissured at the base, and smoothly silvery white higher.

Male catkins have brownish colour and grow in groups of 2 - 4 at the tips of young twigs, and appear very early in the winter.
Female catkins are shorter and greenish, produced in the axils of leaves.


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