Carpinus betulus, Hornbeam

Carpinus betulus or Hornbeam is a fine tree with bold outline in winter. Bole is often narrowed and twisted.
This Hornbeam tree is located next to the new campus of MMU just before the pedestrian bridge which goes above Princess Road. It looks very good in the company of some narcissus and doesn’t really have any competition, apart from the hard surface around it. The tree pit looks big enough though.
 The soil conditions are good, well moist, and the tree is enjoying lots of sunlight.
Hornbeam can grow up to 30m in height but in urban conditions it almost never grow that high.
The tree bark is silvery grey with deep fissures lower down. 
Its branches are densely packed with greyish brown, partly hairy twigs.
The leaves are oval and pointed with a rounded base, short petioles and toothed margins. Trees planted in hedgerows retain their dry leaves long through the winter. 


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