Ligustrum ovalifolium, Privet

Ligustrum ovalifolium or Wild Privet is a semi-evergreen shrub with downy young twigs. It is found in hedgerows and areas of shrub, mainly in chalk and limestone soils.
This particular Privet is located in the middle of Longford Park and is part of the hedgerow circling couple of private properties. It looks like it’s been regularly trimmed. It is partially shaded but still enjoys lots of sunlight. The soil underneath looks hard and a bit dry.
Privet’s leaves are shiny, toothless and grow opposite. It flowers between May and June, 
producing creamy white flowers with strong fragrance.
The shrub produces ripening black fruits in the autumn. They are poisonous for human but edible for many birds. Individual shrubs may produce thousands of fruits.


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