Galium aparine, Cleavers/Goosegrass

Galium aparine is an annual growing grass which can reach up to 1.2m in height. The plant prefers a loose moist leafy soil in some shade. It can also grow in dry soils but quickly become scorched in sun exposure. This newly growing goose grass is located on the bank of River Danube, around 40km north from Budapest, Hungary. It thrives immediately next to a tarmac road and forms a wide ground cover. It is robust and quickly spreading plant. The area around is overgrown by different grasses. Shade for it is provided various tree species including birch and horse chestnut species. The soil underneath is sandy and well drained. The plant’s stem and leaves are covered with little hooked bristles by which it adheres to other plants and climb on them. It also provides food for the larvaes of many butterfly species. The goose grass has also very large medicinal use including skin treatment and cancer.


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