Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood

Dawn redwood is a large deciduous tree with reddish bark which can grow in almost any conditions including shallow standing water. This Dawn Redwood grows in City Park in Budapest, Hungary. It grows fast in moist or wet soils but slow in dry soils or shallow chalk. In this case it the tree grows very close to the park lake and based on its size and condition it looks to be healthy and thriving well. The same cannot be said for the neighboring Dawn Redwood which is visibly smaller and already has a red colour. The reasons can be many and that tree also grows closer to the footpath and bridge leading to the other side of a small island. Possibly the roots were affected by the path or it cannot reach enough water. Both trees receive plenty of sunlight and their function is mainly ornamental but also provide some a visual screen or can also act as a landmark and meeting point.  


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