Acer pceudoplatanus, Sycamore

Sycamore is large deciduous maple species. It can grow up to 20 - 35 meters high. 
I found this tree in Longford Park, at the entrance of the part which is no longer managed. It seems to be self seeded and is part of bigger group of more Sycamores, Common Ash and Willow. The soil there is black and very moist. There is no lower vegetation underneath it, just some new growing shoots.

Young tree's bark is smooth and grey but with age it brakes up in scale, revealing pale-brown inner bark. 
It also prefers well-drained soils, acid alkaline or neutral.

Sycamore canopy casts deep shadow  and blocks the light for lower vegetation.

Leaves are large 10 - 25 cm long and broad, with 5 lobes with toothed  edges, and dark green in colour with whitish underside.

It's flowers are monoecious and appear in spring. They are yellow green in colour with 20 - 50 flowers on each stalk. 
Seeds are paired in samaras and each seed has 20 - 40 mm long wing to catch the wind.


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