Buxus sempervires, Common box

Common Box is an evergreen shrub or a small tree growing up to 5 high. It has compact habit and can grow in almost any soil that is well-drained. It is a very hardy plant and tolerates temperatures down to - 23 degrees Celsius. Very ornamental and also very slow growing.

This Common box is located in Longford Park, in the more formal area. It is almost bald from one side, probalby because of the tall Holly, which makes a deep shade behind it. The soil looks moist and also well-drained. 

Bark is smooth and grey, breaking into small squares with age. Box wood is hard and very prized for turnery.

Leaves are glossy oval, green to yellow-green in colour.

Flowers are greenish-yellow without petals in the leaf axils.
The fruit is a three-lobed capsule containing 3 - 6 seeds.


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