Tilia x europea, European Lime

European or Common lime is hybrid between Tilia cordata - Small-leaved lime and Tilia platiphillos (large-leaved lime). It is large deciduous tree which can grow up to 40 high. It prefers moist, loamy alkaline to neutral soil but can also grow well on slightly acid soils, but grows very poorly on wet soils. Common lime grows best in woodland situation and despite the fact that the tree is hybrid, it produce fertile seeds.
The tree that I took pictures of was behind the small residential area in Longford Park right next to path which now is under construction.
Because of the fence, rounding the works, the tree was relentlessly trimmed. The place is very sunny though and there is no big competition for light. Soil underneath looks moist but well-drained.

Bark is dark grey-brown and ridged.

The tree may suffer heavy aphid infestations which cause sticky honeydew to drip from it.

Common lime flowers in June to July . Flower heads are dropping in clusters of two to five. Fruits are round oval slightly ribbed with a pointed tip.

Leaves are large 6 - 12 cm with lobed base often lopsided: hairless below but with tufts of white hairs in vein axisl. 


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