Equisetum arvense, Mare’s Tail

Equisetum arvense is a perennial plant growin up to a 0.6m in height. The plant can spotted right next to ponds and lakes. It prefer moist and well-drained soils and tolerates very low temperatures. Its penetrating root system is very deep and the plant has an invasive character. This species is growing almost in the water of a small artificial pond in the Botanical Gardens of Corvinu University in Budapest, Hungnary. Its function is ornamental and educational and this plant thrives in a relationship with other aquatic perennials such as bulrush. It looks to be regularly maintained and cleared which in order not to invade big part of the pond. 
The clear straight stems of the plant finish with strobilus – fertile shoots - at the top. 
Equisetum arvense has large use in medicine and has good antiseptic and clotting agent and also speed up the repair of damaged connective tissues. 


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