Rhamnus cathartica, Buckthorn

Rhamnus cathartica is deciduous shrub which can grow up to 6m in height. It can succeed in almost all types of soil and prefers sun or light shade position. This shrub is located at the corner of the Botanical Gardens of Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary. It forms part of the plant screen planted immediately next to the garden fence. The leaves and flowers are newly appearing. The common Buckthorn regenerates fast after cutting or burning but if fully exposed, the young plants are threaten from a frost damage. In this case the plant is just partially exposed to wind and fully exposed to sun. The soil underneath is shallow, above a layer of sandstones. Here is located the rock garden and the Buckthorn succeed among alnus glutinosa and hamamelis species. It tolerates well the air pollution from the close street. The shrub function is ornamental and educational. It is also a good bee plant and male and female plants are required for seed production. 


  1. Hi Lily, I'm assuming this plant was labelled so you are sure of the identification, Jo


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